Liz Flyntz

Liz Flyntz


1 story

Liz Flyntz

Liz Flyntz

Platforms and their discontents

4 stories

A shelf of thick scientific tomes, protected by a gridwork of foreboding, rusting bars.
The exterior of a corporate office building, with the TikTok logo and wordmark over its revolving doors. From behind the revolving doors glares the hostile red eye of HAL9000 from Kubrick’s ‘2001: A Space Odyssey.” In front of the doors is a ‘you must be this tall to ride’ amusement-park cutout of a boy with a bow-tie, holding out his arm to indicate the minimum required height.
Liz Flyntz

Liz Flyntz

Design Theory / Theory Design

6 stories

Liz Flyntz

Liz Flyntz

Pedagogy and Design

1 story